Wednesday, March 13


Welcome to Bali Fresh Fruits and Vegetables  Cv. Lily Amelia Putri

Intended for lover of healthy nutrition and rare fruits fanatics, our vast selection of nature products ( fruits,vegetables,seed,honey etc.. ) is free of chemical treatments abd guarantied unspoiled by temperatures above 40C

Product A-Z

Names of fruits and vegetables are France/English/Indonesia

Ail = Garlic = Bawang
Ananas = Peneaples = nanas
Avocats = Avocados = Alpukat
Arachides = Peanuts = Kacang tanah
Bananes = Banana = Pisang
Bananes figues = Apple Bananas
Bengkoang = Bengkoang = Bengkoang

Cacao = Cocoa = Coklat
Carambole = Star fruits = Belimbing
Carottes = carrot = wortel
Casse fistula = Cassia Fistula
Casse Javaneca = Cassia Javanica
Cempedak = Cempedak = Cempedak
Choux = Cabbages
Coeur de palmier = Palmheart = Empol kelapa
Concombres = Cucumber =Mentimun
Corossol = Soursop = Sirsak

Duku Langsat = Duku Langsat = Duku/langsat
Durains entier = durian whole = durian utuh
Durians chair = Durian Meat = durain isi
E. patate Douce = Sweet
Epinard = Spinach

Fruits de la passion = Passion fruits /markisa
Fruits du cobra Bali = Bali cobra fruits
Fruits du cobra honey = Honey cobra fruits
Fruits du cobra pondoh = Pondoh cobra fruits

Gingembre = Ginger = Jahe
Gingembre root = Ginger root = lengkuas
Goyave = Guava = Jambu biji
Grenade = Pomegranate
Grenadille = Grenadille = Marquisa
Haricot = Bean = Kacang-kacangan
Homard = Lobster = Udang windu
Huitre = Oyster = kerang

Igname = Igname
Jackfruit entier = Jackfruits whole = nangka utuh
Jackfruit chair = jackfruits meat = nangka isi

Kenari = Canary nuts = kacang kenari
Karanji = Karanji
Kiwis = kiwis = Buah Kiwi
Litchis = Lychee = Buah leci
Lentilles = lentil = kacang-kacangan
Laurier = Laurel = Daun Salam
Langouste = CrayfishM
Mais = Corn = jagung
Mangoustan = Mangosteen = Manggis
Mangues = Mangoes = Mangga
Manioc = Manioc = SingkongMelons = melons = melonNNoix de coco = CoconutsNoix de coco kopyor = soft coconuts fleshNoix de pecan = Pecan nuts = kemiri
Noix de Macadamia = Macadamia nutsOOignons = Onions = Bawang merahOranges = Oranges = JerukOeuf = Eggs = telur

Papayes = Papaye = pepayaPasteques = Watermelon = Semangkapatato = ubi jalarPoires = Pears = Buah pearPommes = Apples = ApplePomme de lait = Milk apple = sawo susuPoireau = leek = bawang PeraiPomme de terre = Potato = kentangR
Riz = Rice = BerasRaisin frais = Grapes = anggur
Ramboutan = Ramboutan = RambutanSSalades = Salade = saladaSapotiile = Sapodilla = sawoSave de palmier = palm nectarTTamarillos = Tamarillos = terong keciThon = Tuna = Ikan Tuna
Tomates = Tomatoes = tomatUUbi = Potatoes
VViolet = Sea potatoWWani = wan = Buah wani ( mangga bali )
Picture of tumeric, we can supply
Minimum 100kg
Price Fob $.1.2
Price CF $.
Package by carton
delvery vcan by sea or air

Packing of Ginger

Packing of ginger